• Events & Member Open Houses

Events & Member Open Houses

Open Houses: Please see our calendar below with all the information about our members open houses. You can click on an event title on the calendar for more information.

Please Note: Google Calendar is best used in landscape position on a mobile phone.

Open House Listings on the MSM Website

If you would like to post an open house notice to the website please e-mail the information to by Friday of each week - listings will be posted that weekend. Notices will appear in order of date open house will be held, if multiple listings appear for the same day they will appear alphabetically. In order to keep the page uniform notices will appear in the following format - school name, date and time of open house, address and phone number of school, web address of school - please make sure to e-mail all of these details as you would like them to appear on site.

Event Listings on the MSM Website

If your school or organization is hosting an event that would be open to our membership to attend and is related directly to our work as Montessori educators, we would be happy to share that information with our membership. The information will be added to the "Events" and "News" pages of the website. In addition, the information will also be shared on the MSM Facebook page one time. MSM will not share individual events via e-mail and we do not share our e-mail list in order to preserve the privacy of our members. MSM reserves the right to make the judgement on whether events are appropriate for posting to the website.

Event details can be e-mailed to by Friday of each week – information will be posted that weekend. Please make sure to e-mail all details as you would like them to appear on site.

Occasionally, MSM will notify you of opportunities that might benefit your school. We distribute e-mail communications in a such a way that preserves the confidentiality of your e-mail address.